New Birthings

New Birthings

Don't be the woman you'd like to be.
be the woman you are!

 Access the Magic of your Cycle!

Self Empowerment

Der Schlüssel zur Selbstermächtigung. Lerne dich selbst als zyklisches Wesen durch die zyklisch auftretenden Archetypinnen kennen. Finde heraus, was sie von dir brauchen und wie du ihre Energien bewusst nutzen kannst.

The key to self empowerment. Get to know yourself as a cyclical being through your archetypes who show up cyclically. Find out what they need and how you can benefit from their energies.

Self Love

Mit diesem Schlüssel öffnest du die Räume der Archetypinnen, die dir innewohnen.
Dort kannst du ihnen deine Liebe geben - und damit dir selbst mit deinen verschiedenen Facetten, die in ihren verschiedenen Qualitäten spiegeln.

With this key you open doors to the spaces of your inner archetypes. To give your love directly to them and therefore to yourself, with your different facets being reflected their different qualities.

Self Expression

Durch diese umfassenden Selbstliebe dürfen alle Aspekte von dir ausgedrückt und gelebt werden. 
Selbstausdruck ist der Sinn und Zweck unseres Daseins.
Sei nicht die Frau, die du gerne wärst.
Sei die Frau, die du BIST!

Through this self love all of your aspects are allowed to be expressed and lived. 
Self expression is the purpose of life.
Don't be the woman you'd like to be.
Be the woman you ARE!
Genau wie du mit uns DEINEN Zugang zu deiner Zyklusmagie entdecken kannst, kannst du auch einen Preis wählen, der zu DIR passt. Zu deinem Einkommen, zu deiner Bereitschaft, in dich selbst zu investieren, zu deiner Wertschätzung für unsere Arbeit. Auch Ratenzahlung ist möglich. Schick uns hierzu bitte eine Nachricht mit deiner Registrierung.

Just as you can discover YOUR acces to your cycle magic, you can choose a price that matches YOU. Your income, your willingness to invest in yourself, to your appreciation of our work. Instalments are also possible, please send us a message with your registration about that.

feminine seed of life



Das bekommst du / What you get:
  • Basis / base

    Inhalt / content:

    • Vorstellungsvideos / intro videos Pia & Barbara
    • Video Anatomie der weiblichen Organe / female organs anatomy
    • Video Menstruationszyklus / menstrual cycle
    • Bebilderter Text Anatomie&Zyklus / illustrated text anatomy & cycle
    • Einführungsvideo / intro video Feminine Seed of Life
    • Einführungstext / intro video Feminine Seed of Life
    • Feminine Seed of Life Grafik zur eigenen Gestaltung/ graphic for your own designing
    • 5 Videos insgesamt / in total
    • 6 Seiten bebilderter Text insgesamt / 6 pages of illustrated text in total
  • Wissen / knowledge

    Inhalt / content:

    • Je 3 Videos zu den 7 einzelnen Archetypinnen / 3 videos for each of the 7 archetypes
    • 2 Seiten bebilderter Text zu den 7 einzelnen Archetypinnen / 2 pages of illustrated text for each of the 7 archetypes
    • 21 Videos insgesamt / in total
    • 14 Seiten bebilderter Text insgesamt / in total
  • Integrationspraxis / integration practise


    • Je ein Fragebogen für jede DEINER persönlichen Archetypinnen / 1 questionnaire for each of YOUR individual archetypes
    • Je eine Meditation je Archetypin / 1 meditation for each archetype
    • Je eine Übung je Archetypin / 1 exerciese for each archetype
    • Je eine Ritualanleitung je Archetypin / 1 ritual guidance for each archetype
    • Je eine Yogaeinheit je Archetypin / 1 yoga session for each archetype
    • 7 Fragebögen insgesamt / questionnaires in total, 
    • 7 Meditationen / meditations, 
    • 7 Übungen / exercises, 
    • 7 Rituale / rituals, 
    • 7 Yoga Sets
Tauche in Feminine seed of life ein - in deiner Zeit und deinem Rhythmus!
Sprache: Derzeit nur Deutsch, ab 19.6. auch Englisch

Dive into the feminine seed of life in your own time and rhythm!
The English course will be available from the 19th of June.
Languages: For now only German, from the 19th of June also English available
Access your Magic!

Feminine seed of life
Weekend Seminar


für 48 Std / for 48 hours

Das bekommst du / What you get:
  • Online Course material

    Inhalt / content:

    • 26 Videos
    • 20 Seiten Text / pages of Text 
    • 7 Fragebögen / questionnaires
    • 7 Audio Meditationen / meditation audios
    • 7 Übungen / exercises
    • 7 Ritualanleitungen / ritual guidance
    • 7 Yoga Sets
  • Gruppenaustausch / group exchange

    Inhalt / content:

    • 5 Gruppen-Calls / 5 group calls
    • Chatgruppe
    • Nährende und inspirierende Energie der Gruppe / nourishing and inspiring energy of the group
    • 1 Gruppencall nach 7-8 Wochen zur Reflektion / 1 group call after 7-8 weeks for reflection
  • Persönliche Betreuung / personal support Pia & Barbara

    Inhalt / content:

    • 5x2h-Calls mit Raum für individuelle Fragen und Themen, geführten Meditationen und Ritualen / 5 Calls with room for individual questions and topics, guided meditations & rituals
    • 48h Email & Chat support
    • Aufzeichnungen der Calls (ohne euer privat Geteiltes!) / recordings of the calls (without your private sharing!)
    • 1x2h-Call nach 7-8 Wochen für Reflektion & Integration/ 1x2h-call after 7-8 weeks for reflection & integration

Wir nehmen maximal 7 Frauen pro Seminar an, um eine hohe Qualität und individuelle Betreuung zu gewährleisten. Das nächste Seminar ist von 19.-21. Juni.
Sprache: Englisch

There is a maximum of 7 women per group to ensure high quality and individual support. The next seminar is from 19th - 21st of June. Language: English
Access your Magic!

Feminine seed of life
group coaching


für 8 Wochen / for 8 weeks

Das bekommst du / What you get:

  • Online Course material

    Inhalt / content:

    • 26 Videos
    • 20 Seiten / pages of Text 
    • 7 Fragebögen / questionnaires
    • 7 Audio Meditationen / meditation audios
    • 7 Übungen / exercises
    • 7 Ritualanleitungen / ritual guidance
    • 7 Yoga Sets
  • Gruppenaustausch / group exchange

    Inhalt / content:

    • Facebook Gruppe / group
    • Chat Gruppe / group
    • Nährende Energie der Gruppe / nourishing energy of the group
    • Gratis Teilnahme am BEING WOMAN Frauenkreis für die Dauer des Coachings / free attendance of the BEING WOMAN Circle for the time of the coaching
  • Persönliche Betreuung / personal support Pia & Barbara

    Inhalt / content:

    • 1 zoom Meeting pro Woche / per week
    • 1 Facebook Q&A pro Woche / per week
    • e-mail & fb chat Betreuung, garantierte Antwort innerhalb 24h / email & fb chat support, guaranteed reply within 24h

Wir nehmen maximal 7 Frauen pro Gruppe an, um eine hohe Qualität und individuelle Betreuung zu gewährleisten. Das Gruppencoaching wird voraussichtlich im September 20 starten.
Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch

There is a maximum of 7 women per group to ensure high quality and individual support. The start of the group coaching is estimated to start in September 20.
Sprachen: Deutsch und Englisch
Access your Magic!

solo coaching

* für deine ganz einzigartige Reise *
* for your own unique journey *

Buche jetzt dein kostenfreies Verbindungsgespräch!
Book your free connection call now!
Access your Magic!

Don’t be the woman you'd like to be. Be the woman you ARE!

RE-connect to YOUR essence as a cyclical being.

* What does femininty mean to you? 
* How do you feel in your female body? 

* Are you ready to experience true self-empowerment and self-love?
* Are you ready for complete self-expression with all of your feminine and masculine aspects?
* Are you ready to access the magic of your cycle and step into your full power?
When you are willing to take full responsibility for yourself, the * feminine seed of life * is right for you. 
You will be empowered to RE-connect with your own essence and let go of what no longer serves you. This can be uncomfortable or even painful. We will guide you through your process with softness and sensitivity, but you are always in your own full responsibility and decide how deep you want to go. Everything is in you and just has to be remembered.

The idea of archetypes, which exist on a level of our collective unconscious was theorized first by C.G. Jung 120 years ago and still plays a big role in psychoanalysis. A lot of people have worked out different archetype models and flovors ever since.

We have modified the model of Jaguar Star and the Women School to 
The *Feminine Seed of Life* is inspired by three different models by: The Women School, Miranda Gray and 
It is a model which connects to all the cycles in life, with the Wild Woman at the base and 6 other archetypes surrounding her:
The Virgin, The Amazone, The Mother, The Queen, The Enchantress and The Crone. 
The *Feminine Seed of Life*. also connects to the 7 main chakras.
Through the physiological process of our menstrual cycle, we as women have a special access to these cycles and can truly cook up some magic, if we connect to the different energies of the different archetypes just at the right time.
It doesn’t matter if you have worked with archetypes before or not. THIS IS DIFFERENT!

With the *Feminine Seed of Life* you will receive the tools to sense YOUR version of these 7 archetypes. You will remember how to take care of their needs as well as benefitting from their qualities. You will remember how to allow all of these different facets of your being. You will experience self-empowerment, self love and self-expression.
Don't be the woman you'd like to be. 
Be the woman you are! 
Because this is where your magic lies..
Access your Magic!
This is a Women School inspired offering!
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