Inspiration & Blog


My teachers and main sources of inspiration:

Körperschule Zsoma

Elissavet Thalhofer

Besides of TRULY connecting to my body for the first time in my life, I have learnt two very very important things during the body work with Elissavet:
1.: The fear of pain is so much worse than the pain behind that fear and fear also increases the amount of pain. 
My experience was, that, when I am in fear and try to protect myself from pain, I just make it worse. The moment I let go of that fear and surrender to the fact that this feeling is painful, the pain is merely a physical experience and it fades quickly.
2.: Knowledge can only be of use, when I integrate it physically.
All my experiences from psychotherapy didn't really get me anywhere, until I started to actually FEEL what they meant.
Körperschule Zsoma


Michael Leibundgut

Even though I was a bit sceptical towards the idea a spiritual world, my first session with Equon and Michael was so hugely transformating, it is hard to put it into words.
The message was so spot-on and it opened up a whole new gate to myself, my family and my unconditional love. 
A dam was broken and whole new level of aliveness started flowing through my veins. It was definitely the turning point that brought in the era of living my true purpose in life and unfolding my full potential.
I still take sessions from time to time and find them really helpful to support my personal as well as my professional growth.

The Women School

Jaguar Star

The "Feminine Healer Year One Womb Healing Intensive", which I have completed in 2019 and the ongoing "Feminine Healer Year One Online Training" are the base of my professional approach.
In the Womb Medicine Intensive I had so many huge findings and breakthroughs! 
The biggest one was probably, that I don't need to look for something I can heal within myself or others, but rather set the ground for self-healing through simply holding safe space. That safe space is created through setting and respecting clear boundaries!
The Feminine Online Training is not only deepening my experiences from the live training, but also bringing in more findings and powerful tools.
What I especially love about Jaguar's way of teaching is, that it is based on finding your inner truth rather than just serving dead information.
She also set the base for our *Feminine Seed of Life* through her model of the 6 archetypes we all pass during our life cycle and a seventh kicking in in different phases. She delivered many of the puzzle pieces!
Last but not least I met Barbara and Lucy, who are now two of my dearest colleagues, at the Womb Medicine Intensive!
Feminine Healer Training

More Sources of Inspiration:


Women from the BEING WOMAN Collective

Annika Dörr:
I have known her since my childhood and now I know that I've always admired her for showing her Wild Woman so freely. She was the one who guided me to my first step into my new career as a women's coach.
Annika Dörr
Barbara Mariposa:
My closest colleague at the moment, obviously, we inspire each other a lot. I benefit from her big, wide open heart. She just takes people the way they are, free from judgement.
About Barbara
Lucy Forrest:
Also met her at the Womb Medicine Intensive. Was basically love at first sight. My soul sister and juicy Mother archetype idol. We have the most inspiring chats about basically EVERYTHING, but mostly topics around the feminine, especially archetypes.
Free Your Feminine
Bernadette Schwarz:
Very creative and full of dreams. I love how she just channels the archetypes through Yoga! Perfect match for embodying the mind work of the 
*Feminine Seed of Life*
Bernadette auf fb

People (virtual):

I know them from lectures, online, books, social media,..

Claus Reinhold:
He introduced me to the idea that everything that doesn't come from within us, is just an offer. From disease to other people's feelings. It is up to us whether we say yes or no.
aus sich selbst heraus
Ursula Warga:
A very authentic and hearty person. I follow her personal journey in a weekly newsletter, which has also introduced me to many interesting people and online congresses.
Ursula's newsletter
Regina Sari:
I booked a companionship with her in 2019. Gave me some great tools to work with to bring more joy into our family life.
Frieden in der Familie
Erwin Thoma:
He combines the old wisdom of nature with modern science and technology. He connected me to the simplicity and yet complexity of nature and inspired me to use different sorts of wood for my personal growth. Since I know him, I know that a sustainable world is possible.
Alicia Kusumitra:
Maya Priestess. I learnt from an interview with her, that the Maya have predicted a shift in 2012. This means, that after 20000 years of cycles of matriarchy and patriarchy now the time has come where the two are finally being combined. She uses astoundingly similar phrases as I do on my site..
Charles Eisenstein
Just inspiring. I love him. A man who clearly has access to both the divine masculine and feminine. 
Charles Eisenstein

People (real life):

I know them in person, some of them are part of my everyday life

Margarete Schönle:
My very good friend who I admire a lot and who I have greatly inspiring talks with! She has been a companion through many important phases of my life and still is. Works a family therapist and Body Stress Release Practitioner.
Margarete Schönle
Susanne Eckel:
My Cantienica Teacher. She teaches with so much humor and sensitivity, I simply have to turn towards my womb area with love. It is pure medicine! Most of us lack this loving attention towards the abdomen I can recommend this for EVERYONE!
Körpertraining Berlin
Sian Lang:
Shamanic healer and assistant teacher at The Women School's Womb Medicine Intensive. She brought to me the idea of the enchantress being a "Bullshit Detector". Had a great Solo Session with her and absolutely adore her Women Circles!
Sian Heilraum
Katharina Voigt:
I witnessed her wisdom at the *Wilde Frauen Camp* in 2019. She introduced me into the mystery of the different energies of our menstrual cycle phases.
Coyote Coaching
Astrid Mittelstaedt:
She facilitates the *Wilde Frauen Camp* together with Katharina. She opened up the world of wild herbs for women to me and taught me that making fire from scratch makes so much more sense in a group than all alone.
raus ins Glück
Renate Ockel:
My aunt who accompanied me very closely through my twenties. Such a strong and authentic woman, and still a great role model for me.
Yogazentrum Akazienhof
Sure enough, also the women I am working with and my fellow feminine healer trainees are source of my inspiration!
As well as my dear brothers, my parents, my stepparents, my stepsisters and stepbrothers, my husband, my kids, my familiy-in-law, all the rest of my family, my friends, my neighbours, all of my fellow human beings, including YOU!

Book list:

Books who have brought great shifts into my life or/and are a great source of knowledge.

  • Christiane Northrup, „Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom“ (absolute Must-Have!)

  • Clarissa Pinkola Estes, „Running with Wolves“

  • Andrea & Verena Haselmayr, Denise Rosenberger, "Eat Like a Woman" (Zykluskochbuch)

  • Alexandra Pope & Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, "wild power - dein Zyklus als Quelle weiblicher Kraft"

  • Christine Li & Ulja Krautwald, „The Path of the Empress"

  • Liv Strömquist, „Fruit of Knowledge“

  • Dörte Stanek, „Zyklen achtsam leben“

  • Heidi Sanchana Risi „Du heilst Mutter Erde“

  • Inna Segal, „The Secret Language of your Body“

  • Jasmin Lee Cori, "Healing from Trauma: A Survivor's Guide to Understanding Your Symptoms and Reclaiming Your Life"

  • Erwin Thoma, „Und du begleitest mich“

  • Miranda Gray, "Red Moon"


von Pia Bardou 1. März 2020
Dieser Blogartikel ist eine Geschichte, die mich sehr berührt, aus dem Buch von Heidi Sanchana Risi "Du heilst Mutter Erde" Mein Sohn liebt sie auch und als ich sie ihm letztens vorgelesen habe, habe ich vor Rührung geweint. Er fragte "Mama, warum weinst du?" Ich antwortete: "Weil ich die Geschichte so schön finde." "Ich find sie auch schön!"
von Pia Bardou 22. Februar 2020
I love being a woman. It hasn’t always been like that. In this very first of my blog articles I will talk about my own personal journey.
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